7 Must Have Reptile Supplies For A Happy Pet

Once you’ve decided on buying a reptile pet you must outfit its habitat properly to keep it healthy and happy

Setting up your pet’s habitat properly is the first and most important step to owning a healthy reptile.

Screw up this step and your reptile won’t be as healthy as it should be and could suffer or even die.  The following are 7 essential reptile supplies you need:

Reptile Supplies

Step 1: The Terrarium

No habitat is complete without the actual enclosure itself.  Choose the right size for your particular reptile and you’re golden.

A general rule is that land dwellers are more comfortable in long enclosures where they have more room to roam.

Climbing reptiles need tall enclosures so that they can move vertically as they would in the wild.

Marine pets require large pool areas inside the habitat in order to swim and submerge themselves.

Keep in mind that you should buy the habitat with the adult size of your pet in mind.

Step 2: Habitat Lighting

Most reptiles require two separate lighting sources.  The two types you need are a heat light or basking light and a visual or UV light.

Not all UV lights are the same either so pay attention.  Diurnal reptiles, those that are active during the daytime, need UVB spectrum lights to produce vitamin D.

If you have a nocturnal reptile, do not require the same amount of UV light as long as you have a source of vitamin D supplemented.

Most pets do best with 12-hour light and dark cycle.

Step 3:  Heating Lamp

Many reptiles require a basking area that is lit by a warming heat lamp.

Some pets are good with a reptile heat lamp while others do best when provided with a heating pad, that either warms itself or absorbs the heat from the lamp and radiates it back out.

Step 4: A Thermometer

Reptiles require deep heat, but not too much.  They can be very susceptible to side effects if the temperature in the habitat is not correct for your breed.

A well-equipped reptile habitat features two thermometers; one in the hottest zone (under the heating lamp) and one on the far side.

This will ensure that the whole enclosure can be monitored to provide the ideal environment.

Step 5: Hygrometer

Measuring the moisture level is as important as the air temperature.

When you use a fogger or mister to maintain humidity, you will need to monitor the levels.

Step 6: Habitat Bedding or Substrate

Having appropriate flooring will ensure your pet is as happy as it can be.

Popular habitat substrates in clued moss, coconut husks, soil, fine gravel, reptile bark, or special reptile carpet.

Step 7:  Habitat Décor

Your reptile pet will need hiding places, exercise areas, or water pools to be healthy and happy.

These pieces of décor will relieve stress and add to the natural feel of your pet’s home.  You can also custom make the look of the habitat to your liking in this step.

Following these 7 steps will help ensure you begin your relationship in the right way and enjoy your pet’s company for a long time.

If your looking for reptile supplies a good way to locate a retailer is to use the Internet.

A well-designed and maintained habitat is the key to a happy pet.