Help Support Circus Animal Rights and Liberation

Indiegogo, known for offering varied projects that bring alive dreams and ideas, has a new campaign. Named the Generosity, it is one that is aiming to improve the lives of animals in Canada.

Animals world over appear in circuses and they are not treated as they should be. Generosity aims to make these animals retire from these circus acts that are cruel to them, and are done solely for the entertainment and profits of a few. The campaign states that there is no space for elephants and tigers in circuses, and it does so by ensuring that the Generosity group teams up with other advocacy groups to bring in the change. It wants to bring in municipal bye laws, which have not been revised for more than 150 years.

Circus animals

The Generosity campaign, through its backers, aims to increase awareness and concerns that surround issues like poaching and forced training, that happens in circuses throughout the world. The campaign is also focusing particularly on two female Asian elephants within the Royal Canadian Circus, aged 50 and 42 years. It’s said that both the elephants are arthritic and should be retired to a sanctuary, and not used for entertainment purposes.

In fact, Royal Canadian Circus and others like Shrine and Tarzan Zerbini Circus have a long list of USDA violations behind them. The animals are chained or tethered, if not caged. There are no proper facilities for the eating and defection of these animals, and they often are forced to do it at the same place.

Backers can pledge &$8 that will be used for Facebook promotion. They can also pledge in $19, that will be spent on distributing printed materials. If you decide to pledge $77, you will contribute directly towards the campaign success. The Generosity campaign creators wants to ensure that the funding money aims to help bring in more awareness about animal rights. The group wants animals to be treated as beings, and not just properties, that they are being now, with the local Canadian bye-laws.

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